Our diversity and inclusion commitments
Creating and supporting a diverse team
All our team members employed in the same role will receive equal pay. No questions. This will always be the minimum of the UK (or London-weighted) Living Wage.
We recognise that our team members may have important religious and cultural days of celebrations that don’t align to the typical UK holiday calendar. We’re committed to giving our fixed-hour staff the option to take the most important days to them as paid holidays instead of traditional bank holidays, and we promise that shift staff will be able to change their shifts appropriately to celebrate what’s important to them.
As we grow our team, we also want to create an equal playing field when hiring. We recognise that privilege can impact CVs, so when interviewing we will ensure to speak to candidates with varying types of experience and educational backgrounds, and we’re also taking active steps to reduce the risk of unconscious bias in our recruitment.
Working with others
On social media and across other media channels we will always seek to collaborate with a diverse range of voices, fully representative of the communities we are present in.
We are passionate about supporting other independent, green, and vegan-led businesses. Where possible, we aim to source as many products and services as we can from local/ethical/independent suppliers. Where we do have goods produced for us by larger suppliers we will use those who can demonstrate good working practices and conditions for staff.
Fostering a safe, tolerant environment
Biff’s is an inclusive space, in our venues and online. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or generally bigoted bullshit, either in the comments section or IRL.
Giving back
Since the dawn of Biff’s we’ve regularly raised money and donated food to charities close to our heart. We will ensure our future charity efforts are split equally between different charities that seek to end different types of oppression – with 50% going to animal-led charities and 50% going to community-led charities or grassroots organisations supporting disadvantaged people within our home of East London.
Our personal commitment as directors
We know the importance, and value, that diversity at the very top of a business brings. As of June 2020, Biff’s directors are made up of one woman, and two men. All three of us are white-British.
As a small business, we are not in the immediate position to change the balance at the top of our company. But as we continue to grow we are committed to further diversifying the makeup of our board and investors.
Until this is possible, as founders, we will continue to educate ourselves in how we can be better allies, and we will use our privileged positions and experience to advise and support other young businesses or individuals where we can, by being part of professional and informal networks, peer groups and mentorships.